Membership fees

Despite the name, the club participates in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road and welcomes applications from runners of all abilities to join us. If you are not sure if the club is for you, why not come to one of our training sessions or one of our regular pub runs. You will be under no obligation to join, but you will get a feel for the club and a better idea if the club is for you. You can merely turn up to a training session unannounced, but it would be better if you contacted our club secretary first (details on the contacts page) and let him know that you will be coming and he will make sure that whoever is leading the group will look out for you. If you are an absolute beginner to running, you too are most welcome to join us in one of our sessions, but please contact our secretary first and he will make sure that you will have a programme with which you are comfortable. Membership fees for the club are as follows:
  • Seniors
  • For members over the age of 18
  • £10/year
  • For runners of all abilities over the age of 18
  • For runners participating in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road running
  • Regular training and coaching sessions provided
  • Apply
  • Juniors
  • For members under the age of 18
  • FREE
  • For runners of all abilities under the age of 18.
  • Regular (weekly) training sessions led by experienced runners/coaches
  • Advice about how to train properly so juniors can develop as athletes
  • Apply
  • Non-runners
  • For non-running members
  • £5/year
  • For supporters of the club and club members
  • Support the club and all the senior and junior runners
  • Apply


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Jock Boothman was the only Barlicker to turn out for this race and you get the distinct impression that he regretted that decision.  After the Tuesday night training session, he found the up hill going hard.  (Nothing to do with his portly build of course.)    The weather was horrendous and to cap it all  off, his watch went flat.  By the end, he had had enough and he went home without waiting for the results. 

10 Jonathan Boothman 29:12

Terry Lonergan

This was always going to be the "B" fixture on the wind swept Fylde Coast today with hundreds of others running the Windmill 10K over at Lytham. Given that event and the "heavy rain and strong winds" forecast, it was no surprise that just 51 gathered outside the village hall for a short Remembrance Sunday reading and a minute's silence before jogging over to the start.
Fortunately the rain had blown through which was a blessing but it was clear that the last mile into the strong wind would add considerably to the 5k times; and so it proved.

Terry’s  targeted sub 23 minute timing evaporated over the last arduous mile.   23.49 for 31st.

(Catforth, just north of Preston is the venue for Wesham’s Alan Taylor’s Catforth Canter 5k series. A series of 3 Saturday evening races run on very flat, country lanes)

A bit of a mixed day for the four Barlickers at this race.  On the one hand, Rachel Lowther was 2nd lady and 1st FV40.  At the other end of the scale, Andy Berry was in 2nd place until CP5 when he got lost and was disqualified.  Luckily, this was a DSQ not a DNF and so Stephen Chew still retains a firm hold on the Pete Jackson trophy.

Andy Driver had a good run to finish 15th and the ever improving Pete Beresford also ran well to finish 28th.

15 Andy Driver 1:31:06
28 Pete Beresford 1:37:46
57 Rachel Lowther (2nd lady, 1st FV40)
DSQ Andy Berry

What a windy day for a run, but a good route and great atmosphere.

4 Andrew Chew 37:35
66 Emma Bailey 46:02 (7th lady - 2nd LV35)

8 Chris Singleton 38:33
11 Chris Smale 38:57 (1st V50)
12 Marc Hartley 39:05

It was a double for Calder Valley in this race with Ben Mounsey retaining his trophy and Lucy Collins finishing first lady.  The evergreen Ian Holmes was 2nd finisher in the race with Chris Holdsworth of Clayton 3rd.  Barlick only had one runner out today.

213 Richard Treitl 78:25

3 Lucas PAYNE 18:42
4 Andy BERRY 18:44
8 Nicolas KENDALL 20:10
12 Scott BOARDMAN 20:35
17 John BOOTHMAN 21:39
42 Emma BAILEY 23:53
44 Rachel LOWTHER 24:07
65 Jenna BOOTHMAN 27:24
80 Gary BAILEY 29:37
81 Hazel O'HARA 29:40
89 Susan HIRD 30:35
93 Graham WADSWORTH 32:02

This week's pub run took place in Hellifield, home of the famous Craig.  Personally I've not run for 9 days now due to my gammy knee but will hopefully be able to partake next week.  Conflicting reports on the route and new faces in abundance saw a cracking turnout this week for the weekly social.  We had 2 ladies, an Ironman (Keith McGregor, not Mr Stark), Sandamas, Satnav, Massive, Del Boy, Screw, Pete the Sneck, Garhoyle, Palin, Vice and Junior.  Satnav regaled me with his smooth route choice and the fact they didn't get lost.  Then I went to the bar to get a pint of crappy blond and Pete and Keith put me right.  Apparently Boothman's best mate, his watch that Del Boy would struggle to lift, once again came a cropper.  Although the trig point was found, the runners closer to the back had it a lot smoother.  It's a tactic I employ when following John and his mate that I'm now going to start calling Kes, because he resembles Craig Davis on Bo Selecta when trying to find his way.  No Collins this week which is a surprise.  He must not have been able to free himself from the chains in the Cellar this week.  Rob Hodgkinson needs to be making an appearance soon.  Especially after the lamest public display of affection on Facebook last week.  He needs to get the heckling out of the way before I get hold of the mic at the presentation evening.  What has happened to Jack Ingham, the man's a shell of his former self.  He's conquered Blencathra for gods sake!  Hellifield should be a stroll in the park.  Next week, it's Gisburn and dare I say it, Pete Jackson has sorted the route.  This has the makings of a good pub run report.  Pete declared last night that he is reccying the Pub Run on Thursda>  We thought he meant the run, but he meant for beer and food.  Good to see he has his priorities in order!

There were a couple of Barlick vests present at this 8.5m hilly road race round the Lancashire countryside near Chorley. The race winner was Rob Affleck (Preston Harriers ) in 47.18.

4 Julian Hood 49:52
180 Peter Wilkinson 1:11:12

Julian commented this was a small, friendly race with free hot stew and a mug of tea at the end.

304 runners.

Mark Holgate, one of the 3 amigos from the Carnforth area, was running in the Lancaster Half today.  He had a cracking run, finishing 7th overall and first V40. His time of 1.18.42 was a personal best.

Also achieving a personal best in this race was Scott Boardman who finished in 78th position with a time of 1:33:54

So all in all a cracking day.

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About us

The main aims of the club are to increase the participation of running in Barnoldswick and to keep organised running as accessible as possible.