Membership fees

Despite the name, the club participates in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road and welcomes applications from runners of all abilities to join us. If you are not sure if the club is for you, why not come to one of our training sessions or one of our regular pub runs. You will be under no obligation to join, but you will get a feel for the club and a better idea if the club is for you. You can merely turn up to a training session unannounced, but it would be better if you contacted our club secretary first (details on the contacts page) and let him know that you will be coming and he will make sure that whoever is leading the group will look out for you. If you are an absolute beginner to running, you too are most welcome to join us in one of our sessions, but please contact our secretary first and he will make sure that you will have a programme with which you are comfortable. Membership fees for the club are as follows:
  • Seniors
  • For members over the age of 18
  • £10/year
  • For runners of all abilities over the age of 18
  • For runners participating in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road running
  • Regular training and coaching sessions provided
  • Apply
  • Juniors
  • For members under the age of 18
  • FREE
  • For runners of all abilities under the age of 18.
  • Regular (weekly) training sessions led by experienced runners/coaches
  • Advice about how to train properly so juniors can develop as athletes
  • Apply
  • Non-runners
  • For non-running members
  • £5/year
  • For supporters of the club and club members
  • Support the club and all the senior and junior runners
  • Apply


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It was a wet and wild night up Sharp Haw and 30 brave souls took up the Bedlamite challenge. However, they were rewarded with some fine ale in the Heifer afterward to warm us up.

4 Julian Hood 37:54
5 Andy Berry 37:59

The Liverpool Cross Country Challenge was the setting for this round of the league, where the league club runners were not only competing with each other, but also with the top British Athletes who were themselves competing for International Team places.  As a result, both the senior races set off like a veritable cavalry charge.  This certainly had an effect on our ladies team who were swept along at the start of their race and all would probably admit to going off too fast, particularly as this year, the weather meant that the race was run on energy sapping soft muddy ground. However, all three ladies dug in and earned the team valuable points in the league.

The senior men, being the last race of the day had to endure the worse conditions of all, but discounting the Internationals at the front of the field  came home in their usual closely packed formation.  The following are the overall places and times and are not the league positions.  That information will follow.

140 Matt Lalor 34:52
150 Marc Hartley 35:16
162 Ian Livesey 35:56
170 Nick Treitl 36:14
175 Luke Maude 36:27
215 Lee Parrington 37:40
220 Lucas Payne 37:58
226 Marc Sandamas 38:16
235 Andrew Chew 38:38
270 Ian Cocks 39:40
298 Andrew Carson 40:44
310 Gary Bradley 41:09
362 Marcus Payne 42:38
377 Des Walkden 42:59
378 Pete Beresford 43:03
467 Scott McCreadie 47:50
475 Richard Starkie 48:03
564 Rob Whipp 57:50

Ladies Race

118 Leanne Dinsdale 36:22
137 Angela Donlan 37:42
191 Hannah Newbold 43:05

U11 Boys

43 Harley Treitl 8:29
59 Jack Latham 8:56
65 Oliver Whipp 9:08
68 Logan McCreadie 9:22

U11 Girls

43 Jenna Boothman 9:08

Ghyll golf club was the setting for this year's presentation evening. The guest of honour this year was local marathon runner Ben Fish. Once again a great night and good to reward the exploits of the runners at the club in yet another year of success and progression. Thanks must go to Rachel Lowther who sorted the food and logistics and did a cracking job. The list of all the trophy winners is as follows:

Most improved Male- Tom Corrigan
Most improved Female- Paula Cullen
Biggest Parkrun improvement Female- Jenna Boothman
Biggest Parkrun improvement Male- Daniel Chew
Male Parkrun Champion- Andrew Chew
Female Parkrun Champion- Emma Bailey
Male Road Champion- Andrew Chew
Female Road Champion- Jen Hird
Male Cross Country Champion- Jimmy Craig
Female Cross Country Champion- Emma Bailey
Performance of the Year Male- Matt Lalor (Leicester Marathon)
Performance of the Year Female- 3 stage RR team
Vet40 male fell Champ- Dave Halliday
Vet50 male fell Champ- John Boothman
Senior Fell Champion- Luke Maude
Female Fell Champ- Lorraine Slater
Overall runner of the year Male- Jimmy Craig
Overall runner of the year Female- Lorraine Slater
Clubman of the year- James Stead

Well done everyone.  Once again a cracking year, More of the same in 2016.

3 Lee EDWARDS 19:41 New PB
47 Danny BUTTERWORTH 25:01 New PB
98 Graham WADSWORTH 32:17
102 Clover EDWARDS 33:48
103 Susan HIRD 33:48

The race winner was Steve Swarbrick of Bowland in 35:19 with the first lady, Heidi Dent of Howgill,  finishing 11th overall in a time of 38:18.  Richard Treitl finished 111th with a time of 57:51.

137 finishers.

After much talking and fronting up on Facebook, it was time to see yet again who out of the cyclists and the runners was top dog.  We had Jock, Pete Piestabber, James 'Lego Hair' Fent and John 'Satnav' Boothman on the bikes.  On foot, it was The Smalenator, Andy 'Vice' Berry, Screw, Lucious Lowther, Ballbag Bob, Happy Halliday, Nicky K, Hannah Newby and Pot King Whitbread.  Things were quickly underway and a quick inspection of the course made for bad reading if your a cyclist.  Tom Adams was already well ahead of the rest at mile 1 and carried his fantastic form on with another race record at the front.  The first 6 Runners were back before Ian Taylor started the rush of cyclists.

The Smalenator was pre race favourite, but came a cropper and just jogged round leaving the way clear for Andy Berry to take the Barlick honours.  Next came Screw with Jock in hot pursuit.  Jock took it with a death defying descent in the final field.  Until the results are out, I can't comment further on the race.  We retired back to the rugby club for a quick jar, where on arrival we found out that Chris Barnes had beat Andy Berry in a dash for the line.   One pint of poor Tetleys was enough, so we decided The Airedale Heifer was better prepared for our requirements.  Plenty of banter and rubbing it in about how thoroughly useless cyclists are in the mud.  Jock, for once, had to admit defeat.  It's nearly time to stop shoe horning himself into his Lycra, especially when it's bright snot green.  For once Ball Bag was quiet, which was a blessing.  Looking forward to the presentation next week with this quality set of folk.

1 Julian HOOD 17:16
7 Scott BOARDMAN 20:05 New PB
9 Derek WALKDEN 20:46
13 Jennifer HIRD 21:21 New PB
62 Jenna BOOTHMAN 27:56
86 Susan HIRD 31:07
98 Graham WADSWORTH 32:39


It was Wednesday and once again we found ourselves in the sanctuary of a local Inn.  This week it was The Pendle Inn at Barley.  On this occasion, it was also a multi club occasion with members from Barlick, Clayton, West Pennine, Trawden, Wharfedale, LBT (which I thought was a sandwich), Rossendale and Accy Road runners all competing against each other on a timed training run.  The scene was set.  The wind was blowing right up Boar Clough, so my 2 year old record was in trouble.  Tom Corrigan was the most likely on the night, but he didn't know the course and relied too heavily on the Dynamic duo of Stead and ball bag Bob.  When asked if they knew where they were supposed to stand, both replied with a resounding. "Yes"!  I should've known better, as the first 3 of Corrigan, Berry and Barnes were directed up the shorter route and missed out a considerable distance.  The experienced Kirt Livesey was first to spot the mistake and he carried on to Boar Clough and did the full route.  To be fair it made a nice change from the unholy trinity of Satnav, Palin and Massive getting everyone lost on this most important club day of the week.  The shivering carcass of Big G Wadsworth awaited the arrival of the runners at the trig.  Looking dishevelled and windswept he still managed to take down the numbers in a proper manner, befitting of his Yorkshire roots.  Me and Pagey were talking about the perils of the path at the bottom of the death defying descent down the face of Pendle and not staying to the left and ending up in someone's yard when it soon became apparent that a few of the athletes had done exactly that.  All 26 runners finished just in time as the heavens opened on us.  Straight to the pub for the presentation of the nearest guess of time and run winner.  Run winner was short course Corrigan and he duly picked up his prize of alcohol free wine, only to return it for the guess the time winner to pick up.  We called out the 3 closest, Ian Winstanley must've thought he'd taken the prize, especially as he'd done three laps round the pub car park to get near but keep it realistic, but no.  Colin Moses is a perennial guess the time winner and was walking around the Pendle Inn at this point like John Wayne after he'd just won his latest gunfight. This was more down to his bow legged stance admittedly, but no, not him either, as he was 8 seconds out.  Someone had gone within 2 seconds of his guess the time.  He happened to be having a five fingered knuckle shuffle in trap 1 of the pub toilets, so the tension built.  The expectant crowd of the night run fraternity welcomed him to the main bar with all the sarcasm and abuse that he's become accustomed to.  It was of course everyone's favourite excuse maker, Richard Briscoe.  As he approached to collect his winnings, we got the usual "can't believe it! I fell over 15 times, I got lost, my head torch broke, I can't descend, I'm rubbish on the climbs, it was really windy ..." and that was before he had drawn out his acceptance speech.  Eventually, he realised he had received none alcoholic wine much to the satisfaction of the baying crowd.  If you haven't experienced a night race/timed run it's a cracking night.  It costs a £1 to guess your time and it's always worth a good laugh in the pub afterwards. Especially as even people like Ian Holmes manage to still get lost after all these years.  Keep an eye out on the web site and facebook page for the next ones.  Great value, great camaraderie, low key, no bullshit, just good old fashioned fell running.  Apart from the head torch obviously.

220 Julian Hood 34:07
572 Ian Cocks 38:09 (New PB)
999 Derek Walkden 41:12

You do not hear much of Mike Sellors during the season when he goes off and takes part in the really long races.  But quietly away, he has been doing rather well and has finished the season as 5th man.

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About us

The main aims of the club are to increase the participation of running in Barnoldswick and to keep organised running as accessible as possible.