Membership fees

Despite the name, the club participates in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road and welcomes applications from runners of all abilities to join us. If you are not sure if the club is for you, why not come to one of our training sessions or one of our regular pub runs. You will be under no obligation to join, but you will get a feel for the club and a better idea if the club is for you. You can merely turn up to a training session unannounced, but it would be better if you contacted our club secretary first (details on the contacts page) and let him know that you will be coming and he will make sure that whoever is leading the group will look out for you. If you are an absolute beginner to running, you too are most welcome to join us in one of our sessions, but please contact our secretary first and he will make sure that you will have a programme with which you are comfortable. Membership fees for the club are as follows:
  • Seniors
  • For members over the age of 18
  • £10/year
  • For runners of all abilities over the age of 18
  • For runners participating in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road running
  • Regular training and coaching sessions provided
  • Apply
  • Juniors
  • For members under the age of 18
  • FREE
  • For runners of all abilities under the age of 18.
  • Regular (weekly) training sessions led by experienced runners/coaches
  • Advice about how to train properly so juniors can develop as athletes
  • Apply
  • Non-runners
  • For non-running members
  • £5/year
  • For supporters of the club and club members
  • Support the club and all the senior and junior runners
  • Apply
Search - AdvKontent

1 Lucas PAYNE 18:07
7 Nicolas KENDALL 20:01
50 Heather DRIVER 25:06 New PB
101 Emma BAILEY 28:41
110 Gary BAILEY 29:26
113 Hazel O'HARA 29:31
128 Graham WADSWORTH 30:39 New PB
145 Julie BRYAN 32:52
154 Clover EDWARDS 34:16
155 Susan HIRD 34:30

This week, the pub run took us to Kelbrook. This is usually my least favourite pub run as Kelbrook Moor is a tad boring and has a ridiculous smattering of heather on the top with no proper trods or lines to be seen.  With this in mind I decided to go for a steady 5 mile run with young svelte Chew.  Leading the run was perennial non turner upper, Glenn 'Palin' Whittaker.  On the run this week, we had a right novelty!  Females!   Rachel 'The Boss' Lowther, Kirsty 'Tight Bugger' Hall and Leanne 'Terminator' Dinsdale.  The only moment of note to mention from the run itself were that the group got charged by cows, which I'm glad I missed, as I'm not very fond of the black and white beasts. The cows cut Kirsty adrift from the rest of the group and she too isn't very fond of them either.  It bodes well for Saturday's nav leg though, as Rachel guided them back to the Stone Trough with very little deviation.  The rest of the posse made their way back but unfortunately for us, the pub was busy and they were down to the last real ale.  So a quick swift exit and we ended up at the Craven Heifer.  I'm supposed to be on a diet but Wainwright's was on.  This is like a great white smelling blood in the sea.  The only man not so sure about coming to the Heifer was Andy Collins, knowing Jax would be sat at the bar flicking the whip.  Wadsworth made a welcome return after his holiday in Italy.  He looks more like Boycott everyday.  Banterer of the week has to go to Rachel though.  Rendered me speechless with a few cracking one liners about weight and needing to lose it.  They were all here this week, the back bone of the pub run reinstated. .  Best night of the week if you want the craic, a run and most importantly, beer!  Can't remember where we are next week but the new list was approved.  Hopefully somewhere more exciting than Kelbrook Moor then I can have summat to write about.


349 toed the line on the Stanley Park track in Blackpool for the AUTUMN BREAKER 10K which involved 2 flat, traffic free circuits.  Favourable autumn weather meant dozens entered on the day to contribute to a record entry for the annual race. The event gave (just) 2 members the chance to follow in the footsteps of the elite squad which competed so well in the Northern 6 stage relay at the same venue recently.

Derek Walkden ran a solid race, but once more just failed to attain his 40 minute mark target, whilst Terry Lonergan nudged his season’s 10K time down again but he too missed his target, which was 47 minutes.  Close for both, but no cigars as they say!  

  22nd  DEREK WALKDEN  40.22  2ND M45

  80TH TERRY LONERGAN  47.06  3RD M65

9 Chris Smale 45:02 1st V50
28 Andy Berry 47:06
95 Angela Donlan 54:10

U12 Girls

15 Jenna Boothman 8:55

U10 Boys

12 Jack Latham 8:25
14 Oliver Whipp 8:35

U10 Girls

12 Lilly Pickles 9:29
24 Clover Edwards 11:11
30 Tabitha Berry 11:26

U8 Girls

14 Chloe Boothman 4:03
15 Annabelle Hoyle 4:05

Jimmy Craig gave this race his best shot, setting off at his usual 100 mph, but in the end, he had to settle for 4th place, with Ted Mason easily running out as the winner and thus retaining his title of BOFRA Champion.  Well done to Ted. He fought back well against the late onslaught by Jimmy and he is a worthy champion. 

Further down the field, Nick Treitl came 8th and Craig Child knocked a chunk of time from last year's performance.

1 Ted Mason, 36:44

4 Jimmy Craig 39:32
8 Nick Treitl 41:00
20 Richard Lowther 46.14
36 Craig Child 52:42


Another top notch run from Luke Muade in this race.  There are conflicting reports as to exactly how good.  Some say he came 7th, others say 8th. Clarification follows in addition to details of the performances of the other Barlickers.

Sam Tosh was the race winner.

7 Luke Maude 2:16:29
159 Andy Driver 3:01:24
174 John Boothman 3:07:53
216 Pete Jackson 3:17:53
281 Glenn Whitaker 3:28:33
298 Michael Alexander 3:31:56
319 Dave Halliday 3:38:13
337 Paula Clark 3:45:05

Lucy Beresford was timed out by 4 minutes according to the marshal at Esk Hause, although the time was 1:54 and the official time out was 1:55, so a bit of a disappointment for Lucy. 

A big welcome back to running for Sarah Tipler.

9 Sarah TIPLER 21:39 (2nd Lady)

1 Andrew CHEW 18:22 New PB
13 Emma BAILEY 21:42 (1st Lady)
22 Daniel CHEW 22:86 New PB
47 Jenna BOOTHMAN 25:34 New PB
93 Gary BAILEY 29:20 New PB
94 Hazel O'HARA 29:22 New PB
121 Clover EDWARDS 33:08
124 Susan HIRD 33:12

1 Marc HARTLEY 16:54

Eight brave souls attended the pub run in 3rd world Earbyoathia last night with a couple of stragglers trapping for drink afterwards.  There were three welcome backs last night as Satnav returned, as did Lee McCash and Doc Bryan. The pace was once again set by the eager pairing of Andy Collins and Mike "Eager Spaniel" Sellors.  Hoping that the gruelling ultra which took him about 5 days to complete would render the exuberant Sellors tired.  This was soon dispelled as false hope as he quickly made his way up the track chatting away and slowly dropping everyone one by one as they went straight up the race route to the pinnacle on Pinhaw moor.   It was at this point we noticed Satnav was struggling a tad and he quickly horrified us by showing us why.  He opened his top and once we had got over the fact his chest looking like a heavily picked at carcass we saw the bruising he had from falling off his bike.  Obviously in true Barlick fashion he was ridiculed for his bad fortune and once again we were on our way. The next incident of note was that of the man they call Halliday.  As we were running through a bit of bog to us normal sized men it quickly became apparent that Dave had found a man trap.  Quite why he squealed nobody knows.  Sellors nearly stopped to help him from his self made muddle, but quickly thought better of it and continued on.  The finish of the run was met with glee and a well earned beer in The Red Lion, or so we thought!  Once inside the pungent aroma of damp filled our freshly emptied nostrils.  The key to a good pint here is let a couple order one first and then follow them so you know it hasn't been sat in the lines all week.   Usually I would be over the moon at The Doc buying me a pint but he was onto my plan and quickly despatched the first one into my shaking hand.  Once arse had found chair I waited for it to clear.  Sweat was literally rolling down my forehead as McCash smiled and offered me a pork scratching.  The rest of lads sat down, but to our collective horror it seemed it was not just my pint.  I tried to drink it but to be honest I would rather of tried one them grubs in the bushtucker trials.  Quickly thinking about our bowel movements for the next day, we shot out and retired to the Punch Bowl.  I have to say a very nice pub and this will be where we go on our next venture into the third world state of Earbyoathia.  Greeted by a lovely young lady doing her ironing behind the bar.  The first man this week to hear the crack of the whip was Big Dave Halliday.  As the phones rolled out it quickly dawned on us that Screw "manflu" Driver was now present in the pub.  He was obviously making sure Ingham hadn't trapped before sampling the delights of the Earby hostelries.   The pub run moves to Kelbrook next week.  Will Jock make it?  Will Jack Ingham grow a pair? Will we have new blood to heckle?  Who knows?

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About us

The main aims of the club are to increase the participation of running in Barnoldswick and to keep organised running as accessible as possible.