Good to see so many Barlick vests out in these races. Our youngsters are graduating from just training to actual racing and the experience gained will do them a power of good.
8 Jack Villiers 12:33
22 Jenna Boothman 16:43 (8th girl)
9 Jacob Reeday 9:03
10 Harley Treitl 9:09
11 Jayden Whitelock 9:15
14 Logan McCredie 9:41
28 Lucille Pickles 10:28 (12th girl)
30 Connor Fitzpatrick 10:30
33 Corey Cowgill 10:55
44 Ciara Duffy 12:06 (23rd girl)
9 Garth Duffy 3:22
13 George Fitzpatrick 3:28
14 Taylor Edwards 3:29
15 Bradley Slater 3:30
20 Chloe Boothman 3:37 (5th girl)
24 Evie Scott 3:43 (6th girl)
26 Isaac Reeday 3:46
28 Bella McCredie 3:50 (8th girl)
34 Zane Whitelock 4:04
35 Summer Fitzpatrick 4:05 (13th girl)
42 Logan Treitl 4:50