Membership fees

Despite the name, the club participates in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road and welcomes applications from runners of all abilities to join us. If you are not sure if the club is for you, why not come to one of our training sessions or one of our regular pub runs. You will be under no obligation to join, but you will get a feel for the club and a better idea if the club is for you. You can merely turn up to a training session unannounced, but it would be better if you contacted our club secretary first (details on the contacts page) and let him know that you will be coming and he will make sure that whoever is leading the group will look out for you. If you are an absolute beginner to running, you too are most welcome to join us in one of our sessions, but please contact our secretary first and he will make sure that you will have a programme with which you are comfortable. Membership fees for the club are as follows:
  • Seniors
  • For members over the age of 18
  • £10/year
  • For runners of all abilities over the age of 18
  • For runners participating in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road running
  • Regular training and coaching sessions provided
  • Apply
  • Juniors
  • For members under the age of 18
  • FREE
  • For runners of all abilities under the age of 18.
  • Regular (weekly) training sessions led by experienced runners/coaches
  • Advice about how to train properly so juniors can develop as athletes
  • Apply
  • Non-runners
  • For non-running members
  • £5/year
  • For supporters of the club and club members
  • Support the club and all the senior and junior runners
  • Apply
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5 Robert Cranham 21:59
12 John Boothman 24:41
48 Anne Marie Beech 34:51

20 Helen Harrison 22:06
44 Lucy Brown 24:33
55 Dave Halliday 25:25
69 Emma Pease 26:19
86 Stephen Jackson 27:27

This race was originally organised to celebrate Ted Mason's 40th birthday, but has now become an annual event.  It was again won by a cyclist.  Craig Shear had an excellent run finishing 3rd overall and 2nd runner.

3 Craig Shearer 33:54
21 Jethro Whitfield 37:40
24 David Poole 38:08
36 David Pease40:03
72 Andrew Smith 44:48 Cyclist

A couple of incidents recently should serve as a reminder to us all of the dangers of hypothermia in fell running.  Our bodies operate within a very tight temperature band and we stray out of that band at our peril.

Hypothermia is the dominant cause in most fell runner deaths.  It is also, if not the prime cause, then a secondary concern in many Mountain Rescue call-outs.  The condition is generally seen as Exhaustion Hypothermia. This is an insidious condition.  It creeps up so slowly that its victims do not notice the symptoms of its gradual onset. The alternative, Immersion Hypothermia is brought about by sudden heat loss typically caused by falling in water – or a particularly large bog.

As humans we operate most effectively with a body temperature of around 37C.   When heat is allowed to leave our bodies without being replaced the temperature will drop.  A very small loss is all it takes for the early stages of Hypothermia to start to take hold.  The FRA have recognised the problem by imposing minimum kit requirements, but merely following those requirements is not enough.  We are all capable of reading weather reports and assessing the conditions for a race and it is up to us all to decide what needs to be carried and if that means carrying extra kit, that is what you should do.

But it is not just about what kit you carry.  Recceing and preparing for a race is as important as kit.  If a runner goes astray in a race and then crocks his ankle so that he cannot walk, then there is a danger that he will not be found by people who have turned out to look for him.  So make sure that you know the route before you set off.

Another factor in race preparation is to ensure that you are wearing the right clothes and that you have eaten the right foods, both before and during the race to keep up your energy levels. 

If you do get Hypothermia there are some things which you should not do.

  •  You should not drink tea or coffee because of the caffeine and you should not partake of alcohol.
  •  Do not try to warm your body up quickly, say by sitting in front of the pub fire.
  •  Do not rub your arms legs or hands or allow anyone else to do so either. 

Things which you should do.

  • You may be low on body sugar because of the exertion of the race, so have some sugary food like chocolate.  A warm sugary drink will also help to replace the lost energy and warm your body up from the inside. 
  • Remove any wet clothing and get well wrapped up in dry clothing and/or blankets.
  • Get off the hill and seek shelter.

The FRA have a leaflet which you can download and there is an interesting article on Everything Outdoors which relates specifically to hypothermia in fell running.





69 John Mason 1:41:17
DNF Cloey Mason

Two contenders for the Stephen Chew Trophy in one weekend!

At 19 miles over some rough boggy moorland, this is a tough old race. 

David Mirfield had an excellent run to finish 3rd overall, Poor old Pete Jackson, a regular participator in this race over the years, had to retire after falling and damaging his quads.  But having said that, he is off to a flying start to once more win the Stephen Chew Trophy.

3 David Mirfield 2:44:08 (2nd M40)
DNF Peter Jackson (Retired injured)

There are two running races, one over 30 miles and the other over 45 miles.  You would think that John Boothman, having only recently completed the 268 mile spine race would have had the weekend off.  But John is always up for a challenge and he entered the longer race.  He went steady with the object being to get round injury free and that is what he did.  Having said that, he did finish 3rd M60.

Richard Cranham took part in the 30 mile race, which was a surprise as he has recently being experiencing a niggle with his ankle.  However, he was going well and was in 3rd in third place at the final check point and his ankle was holding up. However, shortly afterwards, he went wrong and lost a place and then, going up Pendle, he rolled his ankle and fell.  He could no longer run on it, but he decided to walk the last 4 miles to the finish.  At that point, as he was no longer running, he should have put his kit on and it was only when he was near the trig and walking really slowly that he realised that he was getting cold.  By the time he reached the steps, he was cramping badly and could hardly walk.  A passing runner lent him his poles.  Further down the steps, another passing runner, Dan Anderson, sacked off his race and stopped to help.  Robert does not remember it, but Dan said that he found him shivering, saying that he was tired, but otherwise not talking a lot of sense. All classic signs of hypothermia. He stripped Robert down and put on his emergency kit, even stopping a walker and borrowing his coat as well.  Dan also gave him his hat and dry gloves.  He then walked him to the finish.  What a brilliant guy.  Robert finished in 34th place, but had it not been for Dan, this race might have been his last one.  This incident is a reminder to us all of the dangers of hypothermia.  If you ever have to stop running, then layer up immediately as your body temperature can drop rapidly and it is quite frightening, but the human body can only function within a very narrow temperature window.  Thankfully, Robert got warmed up and is now OK.

45 Mile Race

57 John Boothman 10:21:06 (3rd M60)

30 Mile Race

34 Robert Cranham 6:50:27

66 Anne Marie Beech 35:00

119 Stephen Jackson 27:04
304 Richard Shilton 34:47

47 Dave Halliday 25:51

.A great run by Victoria Peel!

Senior Women
2 Victoria Peel 23:53

Senior Men
30 David Pease 38:01
56 John Mason 41:03
85 Raymond Banks 48:28 (1st V70)

This race concludes the Red Rose Series and John Mason was the only Barlicker to complete at least 3 race to get an overall series placing where he finished 6th V50.

1 Robert Cranham 20:25

32 Jennifer Hird 23:39
58 Dave Halliday 25:34
60 John Boothman 25:38

This winter race at 268 miles and ascent of nearly 33,000 feet,  covering the length of the Pennine Way from Edale in Derbyshire to Kirk Yetholme in the Scottish Borders is certainly Britain’s most brutal endurance race.  It is a challenge that tests the physical resilience and mental strength of all competitors as they face snow, extreme cold, storm force winds and driving rain.

John Boothman is a vet 60, but once again, he took to the fells to test himself in this most challenging race.

This year, he started off rather well.  His steady pace was a little bit quicker than last year and by Tan Hill, he was in 24th place and over 6 hours quicker than his time last year.  At that point, he looked to be on for a top twenty finish and a personal best time. 

But as well as physical resilience, luck and fate can play their part in this race and when John reached the check point at Langdon, fate intervened.  John did not intend to stop long at Langdon, but to continue overnight over High Cup Nick to Dufton.  However, upon arrival he was told that the race was being put on hold and that he could not leave Langdon.  It seemed that the rescue services were under pressure from runners ahead.  

Not knowing the length of the stop, John chose to catch up on some sleep, asking the marshals to wake him should the race be allowed to continue.  They did so, but leaving him little time to get ready and as a result, so many runners who were previously behind John were now in front of him.  He made it safely to Dufton and then set off over Cross Fell to get to the next stop at Alston.  On Cross Fell, it was extremely cold and the wind chill factor made it even colder.  At the summit John was feeling very cold, but as it was only a short distance to Greg’s Hut where there is some support, John pressed on.  When he arrive, he was checked over and was already displaying the signs of suffering from hypothermiia.  He was warmed up and then he continued to the next check point in Alston.

From there John went along Hadrian’s Wall before once more turning North towards Bellingham.  Just before Bellingham is Horneystead Farm and once more luck intervened. He slipped on the ice, hurting his back and his leg.  However, he doggedly continued, but as he approached the next check point at Byrness, the pain he was suffering began to take its toll.  He told the group he was running with that he could not keep up and whilst they pressed on, he continued to make his own painfully slow way to the check point.  

To the dot watchers who were following the live tracking of the race, it looked like John’s race had come to an end.  But John is nothing if not tough, resilient and perhaps foolhardy.  A lesser man would have, not unreasonably, dropped out, but John took the opportunity to get some rest in the local church which had been set aside for use by the runners.  It was like sleeping in a fridge and was very cold, but he managed to get 3 hours sleep and when he got up, he felt much better.  

So, he decided to attempt the last leg over the Cheviots to Kirk Yetholme and the finish.  There is a steep ascent from Byrness towards the Cheviot Hills and once more the pain returned.  His pace was slow, but slowly he was inching his way to Hut 2, the last check point before the finish.  He eventually made it there and after having a medical check up and some pain killers, he made his way up The Schil, the last big hill before the steady descent to the finish.  Again, John’s progress was painfully slow, but he was very gradually getting there.  However, when he had around two miles to go, he felt that he could not longer carry on.  How ironic to go over some of Britain’s highest hills, in the roughest of weather, only not to be able to meander along a relatively benign walk to the finish.  But once more fate intervened.  A group of supporters were walking out to meet their friend who was in the race when they came across John.  Luckily, one of them was a physio.  He helped John by massaging his ears.  It is remarkable than ear massage can alleviate back pain.  John already felt much better and the physio told him that he could do no more with John wearing all his warm clothing.  Despite the cold, John removed some of his clothing and let the physio apply a further message.  The relief that it gave him was enough to allow him to complete the last two miles to the finish.  Far from being a pb, it was a much slower time than last year, but at least he had finished in 47th place out of 75 finisher, most of them younger men than John.

47 John Boothman 136:25:35

Nobody thinks of a marathon as a sprint, yet this race is called a sprint despite encompassing almost two back to back marathons. It is the first part of the Spine Race Series and covers the 46 miles from Edale in Derbyshire to Hebden Bridge.

This year Ian Cocks entered and set off at a blistering pace and was amongst the first three who were running together as a group. The initial reaction was that he had gone off too fast, but that was without knowing the training that Ian had put in. In fact he had carried out the largest block of training ever over 14 weeks, in which he reccied the whole course and carried his full kit weighing 10.5 kg up and down Pendle. As Ian said, “Descending with that kind of weight is very challenging on your legs”.

This what Ian said of the race:

The race was going well until I got to Wassenden and then the cramps started. This was a surprise being a cold day . I held 2nd place from the start of the race till the finish with 3rd place just kept behind me until we got to Snake Pass which is 10 miles in , then I didn’t see him again.

Ian is being a little modest. He ran a brilliant race. He trained and prepared well and it was perfect execution on the day. It was only that he came up against that superb athlete, Rupert Allison that he did not take first place.

2 Ian Cocks 8:53:13

4 Robert Cranham 19:37
6 Lucas Payne 20:09
55 Dave Halliday 25:53

2 Robert Cranham 20:26

103 Stephen Jackson 26:29

About us

The main aims of the club are to increase the participation of running in Barnoldswick and to keep organised running as accessible as possible.