There was a good turn out generally and also a good turnout from Barlick Fell Runners for the inaugural Skipton Park Run. It was particularly pleasing to see so many of the Barlick ladies giving it a go. The following are the runners that entered.
3 Lucas Payne 19:10
18 John Boothman 22:13
31 Michael Alexander 23:30
53 Mark Browne 25:38
56 Rachel Lowther 26:00
57 Mark Newbould 26:02
90 Emma Bailey 29:23
103 Lucy Beresford 30:36
106 Kathryn Payne 30:38
120 Judith Blades 31:36
128 Helen Stead 32:21
131 Lisa Jones 32:22
158 Sara Alexander 36:03
161 Michelle Hird 36:31
190 Anne Marie Nield 41:17
194 finishers.