Membership fees

Despite the name, the club participates in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road and welcomes applications from runners of all abilities to join us. If you are not sure if the club is for you, why not come to one of our training sessions or one of our regular pub runs. You will be under no obligation to join, but you will get a feel for the club and a better idea if the club is for you. You can merely turn up to a training session unannounced, but it would be better if you contacted our club secretary first (details on the contacts page) and let him know that you will be coming and he will make sure that whoever is leading the group will look out for you. If you are an absolute beginner to running, you too are most welcome to join us in one of our sessions, but please contact our secretary first and he will make sure that you will have a programme with which you are comfortable. Membership fees for the club are as follows:
  • Seniors
  • For members over the age of 18
  • £10/year
  • For runners of all abilities over the age of 18
  • For runners participating in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road running
  • Regular training and coaching sessions provided
  • Apply
  • Juniors
  • For members under the age of 18
  • FREE
  • For runners of all abilities under the age of 18.
  • Regular (weekly) training sessions led by experienced runners/coaches
  • Advice about how to train properly so juniors can develop as athletes
  • Apply
  • Non-runners
  • For non-running members
  • £5/year
  • For supporters of the club and club members
  • Support the club and all the senior and junior runners
  • Apply
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Seven Barlickers entered this Gala race in Ingleton. The race also doubled up as a selection race for an upcoming international race, so it had a very competitive field. Marc Hartley won the Burnley Park run in the morning and ran a pb, then did this race in the afternoon. He was first Barlickers back in 12th place. Andy Berry had another good run finishing inside the top 30. King Leonidas himself came 63rd, but the real battle was between fast Jock and Richard Briscoe of Clayton. Briscoe is renowned for his flat speed and duly dispatched his nemesis Jock. John "satnav" Boothman was doing his second race of the day and 5th of the week, living up to his title of Barlick's answer to Darren Fishwick. He had a good battle with the returning Glenn Whittaker and managed to out descend his counterpart. Bringing up the rear was Ingham as he danced his way down from the summit with his unmistakable style and grace.

1 Steve Hebblethwaite Keswick 47.12
12 Marc Hartley 52.07
28 Andy Berry 54.10
63 Richard Lowther 59.57
83 Jonathon Boothman 63.17
95 John Boothman 65.12
101 Glenn Whittaker 65.51
136 Jack Ingham 73.00

The race was won by Emanuele Manzi of Italy in a time of 1:10:18.

Nick Treitl finished in 38th position in a time of 1:22:40 and Richard Treitl was 472nd in 2:04:29.  Nick and Richard commented on this year's race as follows:

This year was the 40th Anniversary of the Snowdon Race. To celebrate this, the organisers had decided to start the race in the centre of Llanberis, where the first race started from. This added about 700 yards to the course so time comparisons with our previous efforts would need to take this into account.

Additionally they had invited many past winners to lead a parade of the runners from the park where we normally start, along Llanberis High Street, into the town centre. We felt obliged to join the parade as did every other competitor, but this resulted in our warm-ups and final preparations being compromised as we had to wait 20 minutes or so in the start funnel before we got underway.

Once underway the race proceeded as usual but the final half mile or so approach to the summit was made more difficult as we were not permitted to run along the edge of the Snowdon Mountain Railway track as had been the case in previous years. This 'detour' helps reduce the congestion at the actual summit considerably and is a smoother path to run on, so a few valuable seconds can be saved on one's ascent time (something else we had to take into account when trying to compare with previous times).

The race route follows the tourist path to the summit of Snowdon and is not closed off on race day. The majority of the path users are more than willing to move aside when runners approach. They are also generally supportive and good natured. However at one point on the descent, many runners had words with an irresponsible dog owner who had let her dog off the lead and made little effort to keep it under control.

As is normally the case, several runners finished the race with a wide range of cuts, bruises and blisters. Regrettably we were amongst the carnage - my left knee and elbow took a battering when I tripped on the way up and Nick had a couple of nasty blisters on each foot.

In spite of the inconveniences noted above, we felt that we both ran well and are looking forward to improving our times next year.

Only one Barlicker in this race, Lee Parrington, but he took the honours in what is for him a local race, coming first in a time of 39:58

1 Marc HARTLEY 16:12 New PB

1 Andrew CARSON 18:54
27 Carolyn BROWN 29:02

1 Andrew CHEW 18:33 New PB
15 John BOOTHMAN 21:18
31 Richard STARKIE 22:49
158 Clover EDWARDS 36:30
159 Susan HIRD 36:34

Three Barlickers made their way to Gargrave to take part in John Thompson's Eshton Moor Race. Jack Smith of Wharfedale carried on his good form winning by 2 and half minutes. First Barlicker back was raging bull, Lee Edwards in 6th place. Richard Lowther is another solid performer at present and also came home inside the top 10 in 9th spot. Perennial racing machine John "Duracell satnav" Boothman ran his 3rd race in 3 days finishing a creditable 16th, after his jaunts up Stoodley and Widdop.

1 Jack Smith 33.22
6 Lee Edwards 38.03
9 Richard Lowther 39.25
15 John Boothman 43.24
27 Hannah Watson 46:59 4th lady

This eagerly anticipated pub run took place last night. A great night for it, with cracking views from Simons Seat. With Glenn Whittaker injured, Satnav and massive AWOL, it was up to the hardcore pub runners to take care of themselves. Which meant a straight forward decent paced run, much to the dismay of riverdance Ingham. After his track session the night before it was hard to tell if it was his mental or physical performance that was suffering. Andy Collins set off at famous Craig pace but like his idol didn't know where he was going and was soon reeled in. As the gents approached the hill Riverdance and Livers showed their class on the rough terrain and were soon cut adrift by the famous Craig like spurts of pace forced by Collins and then CaptainTreitl.  Jock was also annoying everyone by getting to the front of the train and then walking. He was quickly dispatched to the back with a few choice insults, known to the standard pub runner as banter. Once at the top, the lads had their customery argument about whether they could see Blackpool tower because it was a clear night. The funny thing was the unnamed person swore he could see it even though he was indeed looking the complete wrong way. Livesey and Ingham finally made it to the top and once Livers had stopped shaking because of his fear of heights, the lads were off back down to Ted Mason's village.  Firstly though we had to guide Scott "Mr Wharfedale" Baistow over the flat paths, as the last time he came on this run, he managed to fall on the untrickiest of terrains, resulting in a few grazes and a smashed ego. We finally made it back to the river Wharfe for a cool off, but didn't bother with the tree swing as Jock would have clearly snapped it and spoilt it for future use.  So back in the Craven Arms for a few Raspberry Blondes, abuse and the usual moaning about how rubbish everything is. Ted Mason came in and kept us entertained for 20 seconds with his tale of his race at the weekend. We all yawned and went back to quaffing ale and generally abusing each other until 11. Then we disappeared off into the night and dreamt of the feast to be had at Castle Boothman next Wednesday.

The race was won by Darren Kay CVFR In 49.37

John BoothmanI came home in 41st place 1.05.48 , closely followed by Jen Hird who was 44th and third lady in 1.06.27.  Angela Donlan was 45th & 4th lady in 1.07.10, both of them getting a bottle of wine for their efforts. Pity we were one lady short for getting the team prize.

114 finished and one dnf.

Jenna Boothman finished 16th in the U12 race in a time of 12.54.

The latest round of the club championships took the Barlickers to the summit of Stoodley Pike.  The in form Jimmy Craig took 2nd spot with Nick Treitl not far behind in 3rd.  Luke Maude is another man in form and was 4th on the night with Chris Smale 6th and first M40 and M50.  Andy Berry is getting closer to the front every week.  He had another great race coming back 8th meaning 5 Barlickers in the top 10 and another team prize.  Meanwhile in the ladies race, Lorraine Slater came home 4th and 1st vet40 and Angela Donlan 10th and 3rd V40. All in all,11 Barlickers made the short trip and put in some great performances as follows:

2 Jimmy Craig 20:02
3 Nick Treitl 20:20
4 Luke Maude 20:30
6 Chris Smale 20:54 1st M40/M50
8 Andy Berry 21:24
25 Andrew Driver 23:51
42 Lorraine Slater 25:35 1st W40
44 Dave Halliday 25:47
50 John Boothman 26:04
59 Pete Jackson 26:47
71 Angela Donlan 27:57 3rd W40

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About us

The main aims of the club are to increase the participation of running in Barnoldswick and to keep organised running as accessible as possible.