Membership fees

Despite the name, the club participates in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road and welcomes applications from runners of all abilities to join us. If you are not sure if the club is for you, why not come to one of our training sessions or one of our regular pub runs. You will be under no obligation to join, but you will get a feel for the club and a better idea if the club is for you. You can merely turn up to a training session unannounced, but it would be better if you contacted our club secretary first (details on the contacts page) and let him know that you will be coming and he will make sure that whoever is leading the group will look out for you. If you are an absolute beginner to running, you too are most welcome to join us in one of our sessions, but please contact our secretary first and he will make sure that you will have a programme with which you are comfortable. Membership fees for the club are as follows:
  • Seniors
  • For members over the age of 18
  • £10/year
  • For runners of all abilities over the age of 18
  • For runners participating in all disciplines of running, fell, cross country and road running
  • Regular training and coaching sessions provided
  • Apply
  • Juniors
  • For members under the age of 18
  • FREE
  • For runners of all abilities under the age of 18.
  • Regular (weekly) training sessions led by experienced runners/coaches
  • Advice about how to train properly so juniors can develop as athletes
  • Apply
  • Non-runners
  • For non-running members
  • £5/year
  • For supporters of the club and club members
  • Support the club and all the senior and junior runners
  • Apply
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Saturday, 16 December 2017

Gathering Winter Fools - 16 December 2017

Well, what a day.  It started off so brightly.  After the start, three teams broke away from the main pack, Bingley, made up of Victoria Wilkinson & Ian Holmes, Wharfedale, made up of Sam Watson & Christian Holmes and Barlick made up of Matt Lalor & Julian Hood.  Going through Laycock, these three were running as a compact group and were way ahead of the chasing pack.    At this point, it had all the makings of an exciting race.  By the time the runners got to Pole Road, above Sutton in Craven, things had changed dramatically, as suddenly Queensbury were in the lead.  Then the word came through, that Julian had broken his ankle quite badly.  

When this happened,  Sam Watson & Christian Holmes, Ian Holmes & Victoria Wilkinson all sacrificed their own races to help Julian.  This was tremendous sportsmanship on their part and a big thanks goes out to both clubs from Barlick for what they did and it demonstrates the tremendous camaraderie of fell running. 

When Julian had been attended to and safely dispatched to Airedale Hospital, Matt Lalor continued on with his leg, as did the two other clubs.  

Further down the field, the Barlick Ladies (Snowbelles) (Leanne Dinsdale & Paula Cullen) were trialing the Bingley girls team at Laycock  However, by the end of leg one, both runners were dead on their feet, but they had passed the Bingley team and handed over a lead to 2nd leg runners, Lorraine Slater & Sarah Bell.  These two pushed each other on to increase this lead, which they passed on to Laura Craig and Victoria Peel.  Again both girls gave their all  to again pass on a good lead to the final pair of Jacqueline Collins and Rachel Villiers.  These two seemed to make short work of the ascent passed Druids Altar and they were soon coasting (not so steadily) down the hill towards Keighley.  They successfully managed to navigate their way through the centre of Keighley and once more the Barlick girls finished first ladies' team.  It was a great effort from everyone who made up the team.

In the meantime, the race organisers let our 'A' team continue, even though only one runner had finished leg one.  This was a good team and gradually, they made up for the lost time and clawed their way back to the front of the race to win the competition.  Brett, the race organiser was faced with a difficult situation, as once two of the leading teams dropped out to help an injured runner, it upset the whole balance of the race.  He felt that the Barlick 'A team had done well to come through to take first place, but could not be awarded with first team prize, in view of the fact that both runners had not completed leg one.  The first team prize therefore went to Keighley, who were the second team back.  

Not much further down the field, the Barlick 'B' team were quietly doing well and and they came home behind Bingley who had recovered from their stop to take third place and finally, the Barlick Vets showed their strength to come home in 6th place and probably first vets team.  That was four teams in the top ten and showed the strength in depth that is being built up in the club.  The top ten finished as follows:

1 Barlick 'A'  3:41:27
2 Keighley & Craven 3:49:25
3 Bingley 'A' 3:52:03
4 Barlick 'B' 3:57:28
5 Queensbury 4:01:03
6 Barlick Vets 4:08:10
7 Bingley 'B' 4:08:30
8 Keighley Crackers 4:009:47
9 Keighley Christmas Puddings 4:13:31
10 Barlick Ladies (Snowbelles) 4:15:24

About us

The main aims of the club are to increase the participation of running in Barnoldswick and to keep organised running as accessible as possible.