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Thursday, 05 November 2015

Pub Run - 4 November 2015

This week's pub run took place in Hellifield, home of the famous Craig.  Personally I've not run for 9 days now due to my gammy knee but will hopefully be able to partake next week.  Conflicting reports on the route and new faces in abundance saw a cracking turnout this week for the weekly social.  We had 2 ladies, an Ironman (Keith McGregor, not Mr Stark), Sandamas, Satnav, Massive, Del Boy, Screw, Pete the Sneck, Garhoyle, Palin, Vice and Junior.  Satnav regaled me with his smooth route choice and the fact they didn't get lost.  Then I went to the bar to get a pint of crappy blond and Pete and Keith put me right.  Apparently Boothman's best mate, his watch that Del Boy would struggle to lift, once again came a cropper.  Although the trig point was found, the runners closer to the back had it a lot smoother.  It's a tactic I employ when following John and his mate that I'm now going to start calling Kes, because he resembles Craig Davis on Bo Selecta when trying to find his way.  No Collins this week which is a surprise.  He must not have been able to free himself from the chains in the Cellar this week.  Rob Hodgkinson needs to be making an appearance soon.  Especially after the lamest public display of affection on Facebook last week.  He needs to get the heckling out of the way before I get hold of the mic at the presentation evening.  What has happened to Jack Ingham, the man's a shell of his former self.  He's conquered Blencathra for gods sake!  Hellifield should be a stroll in the park.  Next week, it's Gisburn and dare I say it, Pete Jackson has sorted the route.  This has the makings of a good pub run report.  Pete declared last night that he is reccying the Pub Run on Thursda>  We thought he meant the run, but he meant for beer and food.  Good to see he has his priorities in order!